Camrosa is a very useful multi-purpose ointment to have in stock for your cattle care, as it promotes the natural healing process.
We provide links on some of the uses listed below so that you can see how effective Camrosa is on other animals for this purpose. We believe that it should prove just as effective on cattle.
The ointment is a barrier against flies and dirt and promotes the natural healing process.
Camrosa Ointment clears mites on cattle, relieves the itching, and promotes the natural healing process of the skin.
"I have used Camrosa very successfully on both cattle and pigs. Two of our cattle had (mites), and I tried Camrosa. It worked extremely well, resulting in rapid healing of the skin lesions and swift regrowth of the hair." Anonymous.
The ointment promotes the natural healing process of sores and scabs.
The ointment maintains good hoof condition and healthy horn growth.
The ointment promotes the natural healing process where fly damage has occurred.